I’m a recent Omnium user, and found that where and how you load the bike makes a huge difference to the handling. The further back towards the headline the better; the further forward especially over and in front of the rear wheel makes it very wobbly and shimmy all over the shop. With a large wriggling dog it may be tricky to keep the loading in a good position that doesn’t affect handling constantly.
I ride a bullit and an omnium all the time.
IMHO that sort of weight and the usability combined would mean the omnium would work well. Bullit would handle the weight nicer but also more of a faff to store in the house. I 'enjoy' riding the omnium more whilst the bullit feels a touch more utilitarian. Welcome to have a go on the omnium, its a mini max with extender
I'm semi seriously considering buying a cargo bike of my own. The main use case will be lugging my 30kg dog about and as a general run around. How does the Omnium handle with the weight that high up? My current thinking is that the low centre of gravity on something like a Bullitt might be a better bet with a big, wriggling dog. The appeal of the Omnium is the ability to stand or on it's end to take up less room in the house. Anything else to consider?