• Bancor are paying 17% returns on staking BNT at the moment. Do you honestly think that Bancor is being used by enough customers to generate transaction fees to pay out 17% APR?

    Just add to this, it is all just game theory in the end isn't it and if markets can stay rationale. On one side you have people hoping to create a bank run, knowing that as people withdraw and sell they will drive the price of BNT lower and create more more IL and BNT being minted further driving down BNT price and getting others to panic and sell creating the spiral. While every transaction creates more fees for stakers and leads to BNT being burned as part of the transaction, hopefully higher APR brings in more fresh investment and BNT buyers stabilising the pools. The protocol should of been designed for such events and hopefully more extreme ones, if it can't cope with large volatility then it isn't fit for purpose and deserves to fail.

    Bancor might be the best of the bunch and the least likely to fail

    Last weeks Defisafety score would suggest that

    Anyway lets see what the bear brings for all the projects which is where i think this chat started. LTC and tezos are the other coins I am happy holding and buying through the coming months and years as think they will survive without issues. I have no interest in allocating any money to small caps at this point as even if amazing projects the market is too fickle.

  • Anyway lets see what the bear brings for all the projects which is where i think this chat started

    If Bancor is vulnerable, I'd expect them to be short squeezed by a traditional fund just when they can least afford it, which will probably be soon if it happens at all. We will see.


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