Thank you!
Melianthus Major - absolutely love this. Had it in a pot before and it was sulking, not really doing anything, but I planted it in the ground this spring and it has absolutely taken off.
Hebe 'Green Globe' - not the most exciting plant in the world, but it's a good evergreen filler and doesn't need any attention at all
This is a Penstemon - either 'Sour Grapes' or 'Catherine de la Mare'. I planted a few, when they flower, which they look like they'll do in a week or two, I'll pick my favorite and take lots of cuttings to put in gaps all over the garden and to have some spares. The foliage is evergreen too which is useful - although I think they are only borderline hardy so can die in a bad winter.
love the garden - an oasis
What are these plants?