I’ve got to dismantle a green house soon. Any advice?
Well I didn’t do the dismantling, so limited advice I can give but keeping the gable ends in tact worked well as they take a bit of assembly. I only had to transport it a couple of roads, they went on the roof bars. Get a good pair of gardening gloves to handle the glass. I’d guess you’d want to remove the glass first. If I were doing it myself I’d probably take a paint pen and label everything before I took it apart to help the reassembly. I’ve learnt not to underestimate my ability or make a horlicks of a fairly simple task.
label stuff, take your time, liberal wd40/gt85 use, IME
Also if you can do what Tonts says and maintain the gable ends then definitely do. Ours was a bit fucked anyway, but is v much a parallelogram now despite huge effort going into the base, and this is v problematic for replacing panes of glass.
Also, if you build a timber base like we did, don't forget to allow for the door to slide around....
I’ve got to dismantle a green house soon. Any advice?
I’m hoping to not break any glass and dismantle it as little as possible