number of people mistaking careful consideration of what works and what does not for inaction and weakness
It being quite impossible to take action in most cases, if you're not actually in government. Like the constituents who vote out opposition MPs seemingly because they aren't ministers or on the tellybox.
(tl;dr - I agree with you)
Whilst I quite like Kier Starmer (a little bit), and think he is significantly better than the dreadful Corbyn - he does seem to lack the essential qualities of leadership.
He can't help but qualify everything he says. In the BBC interview above, he is a pains to appear 'balanced' - to make sure everyone knows he's against organised people smuggling and uncontrolled immigration.
If he just came out and said shipping people out to Rawanda is a fucking idiotic idea, people would be able to relate to that. But he doesn't, he dithers.
I do wonder how carefully he's considered the fact those who think the policy is great are not going to vote for him anyway and those who believe he's being weak on it or not taking a strong enough stand against it might find they can't be arsed voting for something they believe is nary a Rizla paper away from what the Tories are offering anyway. Remains to be seen how well the powers that be in Labour have done their sums on this, but I fancy he's not going to be able to rely on everyone who voted Labour in 2o19 and 2017. They may be right in calculating the only people they need to appeal to are so-called Red Wall switchers and that everyone will be so royally pissed off with the Tories by then they'll vote for any alternative, but I'm not so sure.
If beergate tells us anything, it's that the press will go after him anyway and no amount of careful consideration of what works and what does not is going to change that.
Its not possible to change the political rhetoric between now and the next general election. Especially with the media stacked in the Torys favour.
Genuinely amazed at the number of people mistaking careful consideration of what works and what does not for inaction and weakness. He's a sneering leftie elite lawyer after all...how dare he tell us that the policy we think is great is wrong!