Thanks - that's a really interesting response. I think I see what you mean.
My personal identity is built up from my world view, who I am now, where and who I've come from. The aggregated and mediated sum of the child, teenage and adult me, including genetic, cultural and geographic factors.
I guess I was using the term 'blood and soil' in a direct association with notions of genetic superiority/purity - If you don't stem from this soil and blood line you don't belong here..... as per the Blut & Boden associations of 1930's Germany.
Blood and soil is kind of a thing though, to me and others. I know not everyone feels this way but some do. I wouldn't describe it as 'patriotism' as to me that's about Queen and country. Quite a formative part of my identity is a sense of belonging or attachment or something to a land, a landscape, a place. Part of that is that it's "in my blood" which I imagine I interpret in a different way to most - it's in my blood because that's where I grew up. It isn't to do with where I was born or where my parents came from, but it's blood in the sense of body.
I've also had to fight for my identity and my pride in who I am (it's still tentative tbh). Pride shouldn't be confused with superiority. I don't think I'm better than anyone else or that being English or British is great in any sense, but it is who I am.
I know some people have no attachment to the place or places they grew up in, it's not a right or wrong. I feel anger and to some extent shame at 'our' governments actions and lack of actions, but I don't associate that with blood and soil.