• About 5 mins into this video they discuss rider area distance, get it right and pumping etc will become easier.effectively locked out straight arms and legs will bring the bars up to your hips giving maximum power to that lift of the front end.

    I appreciate that you'll have nice sense of completeness getting all these fit numbers dialled but I also thinks all this RAD stuff is all a load of pish.

    Getting it right won't make pumping etc easier but just getting out and riding for a couple hours twice a week for 50 weeks straight will have you riding just about any bike better regardless of fit.

    This Lee cunt can say whatever he likes about how a bike should feel by the numbers on paper but the only thing that matters is how its feels while riding.

    I wouldn't spunk money on a smaller sized frame before buying a set of 50mm riser bars and seeing how they feel.

  • So I dropped the spacers and reduced the reach as much as I could and the bike feels better on general flowy trails, but on descents it feels like I have to push the bars a long way away from me.

    A smaller size frame I can keep the diagonal reach, the bar to steerer axis distance and then also have the front end a few cm higher.

  • LLB bar width formula suggests I should be using 884mm wide bars
