Our new garden has a slope all around. And it's 20 meters of it.
Basically we are on a slope and other gardens are higher. No bother, except
Weeds, weeds WEEDS
The neighbours bramble roots just go in our garden and FFS they pop up everywhere
You don't want to fall going up
So, I am thinking:
Put a membrane to kill the weeds (rescue what plants I want as Vetch is actually cool)
Make a rockery style garden with step areas to walk on as you really need to do some deweeding
And then use a combination of ground cover plants/plants that don't need cutting etc. so I don't need to get up there too often
Any thoughts? (no, there is no £ for a retaining wall. It's also a 20 meter perimeter so that be some ££££££££££££)(also a losing battle as the upper neighbours have trees so...yeah...roots n stuff...)
EDIT yes that fence is on the way out, plan is to add something plant can grow against. The neighbour's Clematis is already in on that trend and has come over into our garden :)
Our new garden has a slope all around. And it's 20 meters of it.
Basically we are on a slope and other gardens are higher. No bother, except
Weeds, weeds WEEDS
The neighbours bramble roots just go in our garden and FFS they pop up everywhere
You don't want to fall going up
So, I am thinking:
Put a membrane to kill the weeds (rescue what plants I want as Vetch is actually cool)
Make a rockery style garden with step areas to walk on as you really need to do some deweeding
And then use a combination of ground cover plants/plants that don't need cutting etc. so I don't need to get up there too often
Any thoughts? (no, there is no £ for a retaining wall. It's also a 20 meter perimeter so that be some ££££££££££££)(also a losing battle as the upper neighbours have trees so...yeah...roots n stuff...)
EDIT yes that fence is on the way out, plan is to add something plant can grow against. The neighbour's Clematis is already in on that trend and has come over into our garden :)
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