You could take it to a shop but it should be pretty easy to find a manual or video to help you open it up and take the drive out yourself. Looks like it'll be an (old) standard 2.5" HDD. Then copy contents somewhere using a USB-SATA adaptor. And next time have a backup...
It's probably not worth the hassle/cost of commercial repair.
Not sure about Windows keys for that age of machine. Why do you need it anyway?
Bit of a long shot, but thought it was worth asking.
My folks laptop, a Lenovo IdeaPad U330 Touch, won't turn on. I guess it's around 2015 now.
Is there anything that can be done easily to get the file (and even longer shot repair)?
A quick search shows that there can be a problem with it going into hibernation and not coming out.
It's got an unbuilt battery. I've tryed the manual discharge(?).
I've tried a charger I know works and the info light shows the laptop is charging.
I think they need to take it to a shop to get the HDD removed and copied. But thought it was worth asking in case anyone had any other ideas.
Ps is there a way to get the windows license code/key off it at the same time?