I've done fractional for many years in a few different places - 0.7 or 0.8. When I first proposed going down to 4 days where I worked full time they said "oh sure, that's fine you do lots of overtime anyway so we'll just keep you on the same pay" and I said hell no. No way I want to be obliged to work long days even I sometimes did a little extra (not a good situation either of course). Helped that I had a 0.2 job I wanted to do as well to make up the pay, but I've only ever gone fractional hours with corresponding fractional pay, holiday etc.
I'm really surprised employers are willing to do full pay fewer hours. I get that increased efficiency/productivity is a thing and maybe it works in jobs where that kind of thing can be measured/assessed more easily. I guess the flip side is if you're an "inefficient worker" which may well be for reasons outside of your control, will the employer seek to reduce your hourly rate (if you get less done in the same hours). Time is time and you should get recompensed for that.
I've done fractional for many years in a few different places - 0.7 or 0.8. When I first proposed going down to 4 days where I worked full time they said "oh sure, that's fine you do lots of overtime anyway so we'll just keep you on the same pay" and I said hell no. No way I want to be obliged to work long days even I sometimes did a little extra (not a good situation either of course). Helped that I had a 0.2 job I wanted to do as well to make up the pay, but I've only ever gone fractional hours with corresponding fractional pay, holiday etc.
I'm really surprised employers are willing to do full pay fewer hours. I get that increased efficiency/productivity is a thing and maybe it works in jobs where that kind of thing can be measured/assessed more easily. I guess the flip side is if you're an "inefficient worker" which may well be for reasons outside of your control, will the employer seek to reduce your hourly rate (if you get less done in the same hours). Time is time and you should get recompensed for that.