I’ve got a surly midnight special with a gusset headset, currently I’ve got the standard steel fork on it, but I’ve just bought a carbon 1/8 1/5 fork to put on it.
In my head that should just mean a new crown race ? Or at worst a new lower headset. But when I look at the details there’s no reference to 1/5 obviously that would be to easy, what da fuck does all this bollocks mean?
EC = external cup
44 = inside diameter of the headtube
40,30 = inside diameter of the bearing. 40 for 1-1/2", 30 for 1-1/8"
So presumably ec44/40,30 is a 1-1/2" lower cup to fit a 1-1/8" steerer so yes you would just need a new crown race, I think
You don't normally see both diameters on one option
I’ve got a surly midnight special with a gusset headset, currently I’ve got the standard steel fork on it, but I’ve just bought a carbon 1/8 1/5 fork to put on it.
In my head that should just mean a new crown race ? Or at worst a new lower headset. But when I look at the details there’s no reference to 1/5 obviously that would be to easy, what da fuck does all this bollocks mean?