If they were local, there's all kinds of random local hooch that pops up from time to time. Last week I got given a bottle of home made "Limoncello" by a neighbour which he advises me is "Probably too strong to drink much of safely without watering down" but he couldn't be bothered to.
If they weren't natives then who the hell knows. Arlon (just over the Belgian border) has this horrible shit called Maitrank which is fortified wine with "local herbs" but it could be cheap wine, vodka and grass clippings given the taste. The Germans and the French have their stuff too and as soon as you get into the migrant population all bets are off.
Basically, who knows...
Me too, and I've lived here 11 years.
@honk - If you do make it to Luxembourg, drop me a message and I'm sure I can find some interesting riding