I think I've figured it out, just spray a bit of the accent colour onto steel wool and dab it on. Looks pretty good on my test piece but I'm sure it's not to everyone's taste.
Just worried about bleeding under the decals that i'll be putting on top as the accent colour is more pronounced. I'll give it a going over with 1200 grit first though probably.
I saw something like this years ago on a car in a magazine. They did black, let it dry, heavy coat of silver then scrunched up a plastic bag and dabbed it all over and then a red tint lacquer over the top. Looked quite good. Looked similar to that affect.
I think I've figured it out, just spray a bit of the accent colour onto steel wool and dab it on. Looks pretty good on my test piece but I'm sure it's not to everyone's taste.
Just worried about bleeding under the decals that i'll be putting on top as the accent colour is more pronounced. I'll give it a going over with 1200 grit first though probably.