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  • I walked into the Rolex concession to see if they had any sports SS , they never do .They said they don’t sell any walk in at all anymore….. but you can register interest , but unless you have buying history etc however they had one watch which they said you didn’t need history for( I was earwigging and thought he mentioned Wimbledon?)
    Tbh although I love a Rolex, and a no date Sub would be my ultimate, I’m not keen at all on the way they do this so I walked into WOS and had a look at the Tudor.
    I had been told by my local AD I’d have to wait until the new year for a Two Tone and put down a 50 % deposit ( no thanks) and they didn’t have one to try on , so I was surprised to see it in there,I tried it on. I was more surprised to find I could buy it.

  • I mean, even in 2019 pre-craziness, the guy at the Rolex store said he'd worked there for three years and had one sports reference come through. A white gold GMT. Lol.


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