We’ve actually got a plant swap/inspection day next weekend so maybe I’ll do the levelling and peg out the 6x8 and see what she says while she’s telling everyone off..
Oh, and we finally got some neighbours on the vacant plot next to us yesterday after 2yrs. We were surrounded on all 3 sides by vacants until they joined. Strimmed 2/3 of plot and got a tiny squash bed in on day 1.
We’ve actually got a plant swap/inspection day next weekend so maybe I’ll do the levelling and peg out the 6x8 and see what she says while she’s telling everyone off..
Oh, and we finally got some neighbours on the vacant plot next to us yesterday after 2yrs. We were surrounded on all 3 sides by vacants until they joined. Strimmed 2/3 of plot and got a tiny squash bed in on day 1.