I am always offered sorrel when visiting friends for dinner parties, diluted and served with ice. Mauby was our accompanied drink in Barbados. Bitter tasting but both have health benefits. I am generally replacing alcohol at meal times, hence my recent purchase. I found these in a local store ‘Abundance Grace’ on Barking Road.
I'm imagining a non alcoholic Jägermeister kinda vibe for both, bottle on the right makes me think more cinnamon feels. Round here is Manchester but there's plenty of local West Indian shops, if I get really stuck my old boss from a decade or so back is a slightly post windrush era Jamaican guy who owns the first LBS I mechaniced at and would probably laugh at me and point me in the right direction.
They look interesting, how do you usually take them? There's a couple of shops round here that might stock them and I'm usually up for trying new things.