And you see them running away in the video? Catch yourself on. What bit of ‘their lives are at risk’ are you missing? You don’t see any risk to anyone? The guy taking the video perhaps? Give it up.
I am not trying to justify every compliant that the Met receives. Perhaps they get it right on occasion? I’m sure you are willing to continue to disagree - do you work in a public facing confrontational role?
My pedantic nature notes that tasering someone in the back could happen if the person turns around - but I’m sure you would argue that would never happen.
Give it up.
The guy taking the video is a fair distance away. I'm not convinced the threat is that high to start with to justify lethal force[1] and the screwdriver was dropped when the Taser was first fired anyway. Had the officer not fired the Taser again the chap might have run away, not over the edge of the bridge.
[1] When Tasers were introduced to the UK we were told they were instead of a firearms response and wouldn't be generally in other situations.
Most people don't have the de-escalation, self defense training and body armour that uniformed officers have. There isn't a lot of evidence of that being used. The Met have form for tasering people in the back that are running away.