Thanks, I'll be sure to let him know.
I wasnt intending it to be a snarky remark about your friend. Was just trying to make the wider point that a huge amount of VC money has been pumped into systems to defend against commercial drones and a lot of the companies (many based in Israel) are struggling to deliver products that work so have resorted to marketing and media operations that at times are borderline dishonest. Some anti drone projects are almost as lacking in credibility as NFT projects at the moment.
I don't think it takes much of a leap of faith to believe that private military hardware companies might be exagerating their capabilities a little.
EDit: And just in case you guys missed it, I'm talking specifically about jamming or shooting down modified comsumer drones, such as the ones that IS have been using for the last 8 years or so. Its pretty easy to stop an out of the box commercial drone in its tracks.
Thanks, I'll be sure to let him know.