I don't think the article is particularly clear https://archive.ph/jxTOL
I suspect, from the tone, it is talking about those who are self-employed, not a bit of remote working whilst on holiday.
Which is probably the case in the UK too.
from https://www.gov.uk/standard-visitor/visit-on-business
You cannot do paid or unpaid work ... as a self-employed person as a visitor.
It's my understanding that it is fine to travel[1] for business to go to meetings but you aren't supposed to sit down in your hotel and do other work tasks unrelated to that trip in your hotel in the evening. Of course it's very unlikely you will be caught, just as a self-employed person can sit in Starbucks while on holiday and send a few messages to clients.
[1] within the global north providing you are a citizen of the global north
I suspect, from the tone, it is talking about those who are self-employed, not a bit of remote working whilst on holiday.
That article is not my main source, the Austrian embassy is. Under freedom of movement you are perfectly permitted to do a bit of work on holiday. As a third nation citizen, you are not permitted to perform any work at all while on a tourist visa. Even remotely for a UK company.
At this point in time its only possible to get a work permit to work for an Austrian company so you can't even apply for permission to work remotely while in Austria.
As jellybaby says, its actually the same in the UK for EU citizens.
Edit: Just to add some more weight to it, Mrs Hedge's company (a very large multinational) have consulted their lawyers and they have confirmed that it is impossible for a UK citizen to work remotely from Austria legally at this time.
Brexit. For the fourth time.
Austria have made it illegal for third country nationals to telework from Austria, even for a single day. You can't even apply for a work permit.
Apparently they introduced this rule out of concerns of Brits working from their holiday homes and not paying tax. If we were still in the Eu, we'd be allowed to telework as much as we liked under the usual freedom of movement constraints and local tax laws.
On the plus side, this has finally convinced me to put my citizenship application in.