• I've owned a Krampus in the past and didn't really enjoy it. Would a Jones be a bad idea?

  • Really depends on if it was the plus tyres you didn't like or the handling/ride position, as I don't think the 2 are comparable apart from that

    Short or long wheelbase?

    I expect you're more used to a lighter, more stretched out race position, but then you do also ride a cargo bike a lot :-)

  • SWB, older diamond frame with uncrown fork, so not huge tyres I believe (at least at the back). I think I'd keep a bike with suspension and this would replace my "touring" bike, which doesn't really see any touring but does see some commuting. After a few years riding proper dutch cargo bikes for work my back doesn't seem to get on with a road position for more than a few hours.

    Krampus just felt a bit heavy and imprecise. Didn't really like it's charge at stuff and hope the big tyres get you through approach. I imagine the Jones front end feels quite a bit lighter and manoeuvrable.

    This is all quite speculative and reliant on selling about three other bikes.

  • Really depends on if it was the plus tyres you didn't like or the handling/ride position, as I don't think the 2 are comparable apart from that

    Short or long wheelbase?

    I bought it. It fits if looks a bit silly, particularly with 27.5" plus front end.

    Definitely something in that cool aid. Very capable on steep stuff. I'm sure it's not as quick as my 120mm travel, dropper seatposted XC bike, but it gets down the same stuff. Does very well on steep technical climbs too. Has to get very steep before the front end starts wandering around.
