Watched Obi Wan’ yeah OK. The Leia running away scenes were pretty poor…terrible edits..or find a kid that can actually run or act running.
It’s weird I’m happy to believe in space dudes with laser swords but my suspension of disbelief is shattered by a kid’s athleticism
Wee Leia was a niggle for me as well. No way that kid is 10, more like 7 or 8. I can only guess that they have a lot more filming planned for her and need her to pass as a pre-teen for a few years.
I thought she was good in the role, definitely had the requisite amount of sassiness to be Leia.
Watched Obi Wan’ yeah OK. The Leia running away scenes were pretty poor…terrible edits..or find a kid that can actually run or act running.
It’s weird I’m happy to believe in space dudes with laser swords but my suspension of disbelief is shattered by a kid’s athleticism