That really needs pollarding this Autumn to reduce the potential for damage should the whole tree, or a branch come off in the next set of Winter storms.
It will then need some attention, maybe every 5/6/7 years,
based upon a couple of Sycamores I have worked on in West London,
depending upon how much growth is put on each year.If the pollarding point is not too high, you could even do the follow up work yourself,
but, on a shorter rotation, to allow the use of hand tools.
(A Silky-type saw is preferable to a bow saw).
Our neighbour have this massive Sycamore in their garden, plus another smaller one in the next house down. It's getting pretty massive and blocks a lot of light to the surrounding gardens. The neighbours are elderly and have been living in the house (renting) for 30 years. I thought I would get a quote/plan and then approach their landlord and other neighbours after that.
I have just had a tree surgeon out to advise/quote. He said it looks like it has been pollarded about 30+ years ago and then not touched. He said he could reduce it by 40% for about £1k or pollard it for about £2k. He recommends pollarding it.
What experience/advice does the hive mind have? I like the tree, I would just ideally have more natural light and have it a bit more under control. Ideally we won't have to spend lots every few years keeping it in check as well.