Nah, you won’t, honest.
@Greenbank you doing the 6?On the other extreme I swam for the first time since the pandemic started, 1km, pace was average, (1:38/100) but fuck it hurts now.
And to be honest my shoulders were giving up at the end.
Need to swim more, I had forgotten how much I missed that feeling.
Bonnie Tsui’s book helped .
(Only just spotted this)
you doing the 6?
No, just the 2 mile as normal. The Super 6 was Type 2.5 fun and I'd only enter it again if I was in serious training.
Right now (3 months before the event) I have done two 400m swims in the last few weeks and then nothing else in the 6 months before that. Reminds me, need to book again for tomorrow and get back into it.
Wait so 9 strokes without a breath?! I'd be drowning at that point