• i must admit not studying all the range in detail.
    for sure Red is the most acceptable as it has subtleties and a more visible materail quality, but the general vibe is pretty masculine, agressive, in short : very BMW, and it was clearly aimed at a certain market. Good for them that it succeeds but in essence it is not a design that i enjoy.

  • in short : very BMW

    Lol’d at this. Now that you say it, you’re kinda right.
    Obvs I’m just messing, I don’t have that strong a love for the aesthetics of any of them really.
    What I need is full wireless di2 but with a design that’s identical to da7800.

    I think the current Red axs group looks good but I think it will look pretty dated a few years down the line.
    A bit like how I loved da9000 when it was released and thought it was the nicest group set to date but in 2022 it looks a bit duff.
