• i know this is a view i do not share with my fellow mamils, but it is the tackiest design in the groupset world, IMO

  • but it is the tackiest design in the groupset world

    Good lord!

    Which series? Red, Force or Rival? All of them?!

    I can’t agree(admit to myself) with you since I’ve owned all of them.
    But some one did highlight the similarity between the red axs crank logo design and the old Rival logo design and I admit it was hard to unsee

  • i must admit not studying all the range in detail.
    for sure Red is the most acceptable as it has subtleties and a more visible materail quality, but the general vibe is pretty masculine, agressive, in short : very BMW, and it was clearly aimed at a certain market. Good for them that it succeeds but in essence it is not a design that i enjoy.

  • The shifters are also modelled on the Easter Island heads
