You don't get credit if you're talking borderline bollocks just because your early work was good. If he's still being interviewed in the way he was by Owen Jones, his words today have to stand up on their own.
Have you watched/listened to the interview? Are you basing your opinion that he is talking borderline bollocks on tweets and the only news article written about the interview in English...or are you basing it on what he said?
I'm not even arguing that he is right in what he says...its just that it gets under my skin when people read a false summary of something and take that as gospel.
That's not even remotely what I'm saying. I'm saying that the idea that you have to give someone credit today for being smart yesterday is bollocks. I don't have much interest in what Chomsky says, I've spent enough time reading his stuff and listening it it in the years to waste another hour on that interview.
You don't get credit if you're talking borderline bollocks just because your early work was good. If he's still being interviewed in the way he was by Owen Jones, his words today have to stand up on their own.