What with society having been almost entirely built round using cars for a number of years, you can't really expect people to just stop overnight
Yes we have a mountain to climb to reverse the harm done by cars in urban spaces, and it will partly be achieved by many individuals making better informed and less harmful choices.
I've taken my bike on UK trains plenty of times and it can be a truly awful experience
Wait until you hear about the truly awful experience of living in a city dominated by cars. Parked vehicles narrow the roadway increasing congestion, reduce visibility for those trying to cross the road especially kids. The effects of vehicle particulate pollution on public health are widely known. The perpetual expansion of the road network to accommodate more drivers is a large scale ecological disaster.
@johnnywbike if you feel a bit judged by this, that's pretty inevitable. But it's not just aimed at you, it's aimed at the widespread assumption that car use is normal and harmless. Please don't bring a car to London. At the very least, please consider the effect of every car journey you make, and the cumulative harm it does. Enjoy your bike ride. (Closed roads? I'm actually quite tempted)
I know it's really fun being judgemental and all that, but I'm guessing train options for getting to the start first thing in the morning are pretty limited. What with society having been almost entirely built round using cars for a number of years, you can't really expect people to just stop overnight, nice as it would be.
I've taken my bike on UK trains plenty of times and it can be a truly awful experience plus if you end up with a rail replacement bus you're fucked.
Having just gone through the tortuous process of booking my bike onto several trains to get to/from Scotland I'm not at all surprised that people might opt to drive instead. I'm sort of regretting not doing this myself - would have been much quicker and cheaper.