Quill stem adapter - it looked completely out of place, there isn't enough head tube for it to be slammed. I took it off immediately after it went on. This has been an issue before when I was sourcing quill stem that could work with the <9cm head tube here. This means I couldn't use OS bars as I had intended.
Though not all is lost. The nitto m109aa is a lovely shape. There are worse bars to be stuck with.
So the carbon bars will have to wait while I source a threadless fork. And speaking of handlebars, the USE summit bars have its hood position too low for my liking. A shame as I like the integrated cable guide, and it's 20g lighter than the FSA.
Things that didn't go as planned:
Quill stem adapter - it looked completely out of place, there isn't enough head tube for it to be slammed. I took it off immediately after it went on. This has been an issue before when I was sourcing quill stem that could work with the <9cm head tube here. This means I couldn't use OS bars as I had intended.
Though not all is lost. The nitto m109aa is a lovely shape. There are worse bars to be stuck with.
So the carbon bars will have to wait while I source a threadless fork. And speaking of handlebars, the USE summit bars have its hood position too low for my liking. A shame as I like the integrated cable guide, and it's 20g lighter than the FSA.
USE summit
FSA k-force light