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  • GT GTB, size 57 w og steel fork, nitto pearl, nitto bars, nitto seatpost, concor light, CK gripnut, Superlap Sug75 bb, Suntour superbe pro cranks, zen 48, mack super lights on unknown rims (i think they are ryde rims) mks gr9, cadence straps.
    I wanted one of these for ages, finally found one for sale 5 years ago in san jose for around 350$ posted (a steal) It has a high bb with aggressive geo and super fun whipping around on the streets, ive built it up in all different ways, constantly changing the saddle, pedal and bar set ups, Still want to change a few things. I think it looks abit ugly rn with the saddle, and im currently waiting on a uncut 1 inch alpina track fork orignally from a koga fulltrackpro, @bart90 is selling a bunch from Poland. It will lighten the front up

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  • Already two of my favourite forum bikes, can't wait to see the rest.

    Out of interest do you build bikes to race or for specific riding or is it more for the enjoyment of sourcing parts and building?


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