• #2
My silca one is good for travel: https://www.sigmasports.com/item/Silca/T-Ratchet-and-Ti-Torque-Kit/EMBL?utm_source=google&utm_medium=base&co=GBR&cu=GBP&glCountry=GB&id=682113&ds_eid=700000001845766&ds_e=GOOGLE&ds_c=UK_EN_Profit_Google_Shopping_All+Users_Smart_7&ds_cid=71700000089149679&ds_ag=700%25+ROAS&ds_agid=58700007557256964&ds_k=PRODUCT_GROUP&ds_kid=92700069895283833&ds_kids=p69895283833&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4PKTBhD8ARIsAHChzRKXj2NHEAbBqQQ89lHiOlmy9uDxQT61cwHucXUrY0tN2pW-oc2KIKEaAuoWEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
Bit pricey though, I bought it a few years ago and wasn't as much as this -
• #3
also have this, my ratchet broke after 4 years of use, i even used it on ikea furniture lol they replaced it no questions asked
• #4
Cheers, that was my first thought, but they only go to 8Nm and his BB states 12Nm. TBH I’d just tighten the EBB as much as I could with a bloody great bar, but hey. I think the lower end is all he’ll need in case he has to play with the Rohloff linkages etc. But the one that’s going to be way up north not me.
• #5
I’ve got the none torque one and it’s now my go to driver. So so nice.
• #6
Yeah good point, just checked mine and didn’t realise it only went up to 8nm…
Beyond that it’s just different levels of “crank it hard” though right?
I chap at work has got a long service holiday coming up and he’s going to use the time to cycle though Scandinavian and into the arctic circle. He’s got a Thorn nomad with a Rohloff hub and eccentric bottom bracket, so needs a torque wrench. Obviously he wants something small, but bombproof. I think it only has to go up to 12nm.
Any recommendations?