What about it stresses you? Excel is the best of the MS Office products, the least overloaded with useless extra features. The data flows you can set up in spreadsheets are the closest most people will ever get to functional programming (don't say that too loudly, though; it'll put some idiots off).
Excel is the best of the MS Office products
That might be the case, and the functional programming thing is even more apposite now it has lambdas. Testing your spreadsheet remains hard mind, compared to an actual programming language.
I still hate that overblown grid control though, not least because it shafts gene names.
EuSpRiG is “fun” if that kind of thing floats your boat, their Chatham House Rules conference is simultaneously hilarious and horrifying.
What about it stresses you? Excel is the best of the MS Office products, the least overloaded with useless extra features. The data flows you can set up in spreadsheets are the closest most people will ever get to functional programming (don't say that too loudly, though; it'll put some idiots off)
Late to this Excel chat but maybe DJ should buy this for his other half:
Hell is just Excel - to me! I get stressed even thinking about it.