• Westfield cooling issues, let me pick your brains.

    1.8 1995 MX5 running gear, standard westfield cooling setup.

    Built the car 10 (ish) years ago, never over heated before but fan would kick in when stationary.

    Last autumn, before hibernation, water temp on gauge was rising when car was static.

    Found pinhole in rad, so swapped that and thermostat.

    Filled the system today and within a few minutes of sitting idling temp gauge is heading off the scale, before the thermostat even opened.

    Left it until the thermostat opened but gauge stays high. Using IR thermostat, water thermostat housing is around 80 degrees and fans cuts in and out but gauge remains off rhe scale.

    I'm thinking it's the sender for the temp gauge? If it was really off the scale as far as the ECU was concerned, the fan would run continuously.

    Any thoughts or suggestions. I have ordered two new temp probes in the mean time!

  • Given they're cheap, I'd get a new thermostat first and a new sender for the gauge and see what happens. Are you using an MX5 rad? They make alu versions that I've got that are much better.

  • Swapped sender for ECU and gauge, after around 5 minutes the gauge goes above hot. Fan is not kicking in at this time, suggesting that the ECU doesn't believe the engine is overheating.
