I have cheap chisels that are considerably harder than any of my more expensive ones
I kid you not, it was probably 3 hours across a few evenings of sanding/grinding to get the whole face to 25 degrees (before I realised the disc sander would have helped). I oddly don't mind too much though. That time normally would have been just staring at YouTube while ms_com put mini_com to sleep (we take turns, it's not solely her job) so I didn't make too much noise. Having a shed 80ft from the house with lights and power is living up to the hype.
By hype, I mean the middle aged nirvana of isolation and dicking about with tools.
I have cheap chisels that are considerably harder than any of my more expensive ones, but some of the chisels that came in the same set are so soft that they may as well be made of cheese. The best chisels are hard enough that they will hold an edge but most importantly the hardness is consistent.
This is why spending £400+ on a Tormek will eventually start appealing to you.