I've had a new patio laid. It's slightly lower than the old one. There is damage to the bricks to the level of the old patio. My builder says it's frost damage as it's under 5he dpc and therefore not on him to fix. My opinion is that he needs to fix it, and that it's damage caused when the old flags were removed.
Would frost damage be to blame, or is he talking nonsense as I suspect he is ?
Damage lines up perfectly with the old patio level
I've had a new patio laid. It's slightly lower than the old one. There is damage to the bricks to the level of the old patio. My builder says it's frost damage as it's under 5he dpc and therefore not on him to fix. My opinion is that he needs to fix it, and that it's damage caused when the old flags were removed.
Would frost damage be to blame, or is he talking nonsense as I suspect he is ?
Damage lines up perfectly with the old patio level
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