Definitely looks an interesting route, and goes to areas I've not ridden before - also, the write-ups I've seen are all really positive. Just have to see if I can take 2 days from the long bank holiday weekend without complaints...
Was hoping to do the GWR 600 - but it's this weekend which is a bit too soon. Did the 400 (Bill's Easton Connection) and that was a really nice route.
What's the GWR? Ah, Devilishly Elegant one by Will? I saw that but we're down for Fast Times in the High Weald this weekend and I need to rest this leg anyway. Missus is looking for trains to Darlo now for Deano's ride. We might head up early and do some shorter rides beforehand. Not sure what Darlo has to offer for days off though.
Deano has a 600k coming up that I'm now looking at entering.
It will complete the AAA SR series for the missus and I and should give her some confidence with the overnight audax events w/ sleep stops.