Wasn’t even slightly offended. I don’t think that these small and easy-to-crowbar locks provide anything but a deterrent to the fleeting opportunist.
Thing is, this F3 has nigh-zero under seat storage. You must remove the entire side panel and there’s barely a Pepsi bottle of space in the ‘tool’ compartment. That compartment is currently occupied by the Biker Down first aid kit, which I’d say is a better use of space.
Because the seat pan is kinda awkward in its design compared to removable seats - and the fairing tucks under the cushion against the pan - I’ve been struggling with how to make myself a tail pack that isn’t a ballache to take on and off the bike and doesn’t damage the fairings.
@lynx this is an on-the-go solution. Always on the bike for those longer than a minute type stops. I don’t like leaving a bike out of my field of view.
I’m neurotic - the bikes overnight have multiple Milenco locks and ground anchors. It won’t stop theft but it will slow them down and cause some noise.
@Airhead I didn’t have a reminder on a ‘Screamer’ disc lock (with a dead battery) on the XJ600 once. Went to pull away from my sister’s house and felt a thunk! after about a foot. Totally confused me until I remembered the lock. Fortunately no bike drop. Definitely my one and never again.
As you say. Closer to the calliper the better.