• also, what sort of physio did you go for? Not really something that I’ve ever had experience with. I haven’t done anything since post op but I normally foam roller and stretch on my yoga mat. I did go swimming for about 4hrs the weekend before the consultant told me not to which was a kick, as it felt amaze balls

  • I was referred to a physio and I did the exercises I was told to do - if you have not been referred to one I would chase up for it. I also did some private physio with some acupuncture but tbh physio is all about repetition and doing whatever exercises 2 / 3 a day for however many weeks and then going back to see if you need new exercises in 4 weeks.

    No malrotation issues, just some flexibility and lower back muscle issues which I doubt will ever totally go, just have to keep them moving. No one is going to believe this because of all this shit I talk, but I genuinely think riding fixed, especially descending fixed, was/is awesome for my leg @BareNecessities
