Same here - minimise all debt (including mortgage, where possible, although that's weighed against the unpriceable "utility"), ISAs and then pension, with the cheapest trackers*.
I only know one person (an ex-colleague that I was vaguely friendly with, and still occasionally message) that justifiably does "investing". But 1) he has the legitimate experience and expertise to know what to buy, but more importantly, 2) he's got a ton of disposable wealth. Because 1) is still a dice roll at the best of times, unless you have inside knowledge, can move that market, or are part of a shady pool.
* I remember when I found out that my employer pension cost > 1.5% per year. Some cunt was obviously being paid nicely for that bit of backhanded fuckery.
Same here - minimise all debt (including mortgage, where possible, although that's weighed against the unpriceable "utility"), ISAs and then pension, with the cheapest trackers*.
I only know one person (an ex-colleague that I was vaguely friendly with, and still occasionally message) that justifiably does "investing". But 1) he has the legitimate experience and expertise to know what to buy, but more importantly, 2) he's got a ton of disposable wealth. Because 1) is still a dice roll at the best of times, unless you have inside knowledge, can move that market, or are part of a shady pool.
* I remember when I found out that my employer pension cost > 1.5% per year. Some cunt was obviously being paid nicely for that bit of backhanded fuckery.