There are a couple things you could do for the mass around the edge, either remove material from the inside or add more to the edge.
I would add more. You could just mould a ring around the edge on top of the disc.
Something might be worth considering with this is balancing the wheel, as it will probably wobble about the place. Flywheels typically have material drilled out of them or car wheels have weights added.
No idea how you would go about figuring where you need to add weights to balance it though. Usually they use one of those robotic computer machines.
This should explain about the fibres.
There are a couple things you could do for the mass around the edge, either remove material from the inside or add more to the edge.
I would add more. You could just mould a ring around the edge on top of the disc.
Something might be worth considering with this is balancing the wheel, as it will probably wobble about the place. Flywheels typically have material drilled out of them or car wheels have weights added.
No idea how you would go about figuring where you need to add weights to balance it though. Usually they use one of those robotic computer machines.