Local guitar store may be able to help or an go along to an open mic night and try and hook up there?
Are there any practice rooms in the area? They may have contacts.
On a non musical note a chap relocating from Yorkshire to our area just put a post onto the village Facebook page asking for info on local clubs. I ended up providing him with routes he could ride safely during lockdown 1 and he rides regularly with us now. You could do the same on your community Facebook pages.
Oh and where are you? There maybe people on here who live locally.
Question for hive mind - I've been teaching myself to play bass again for the past 18months/2 years after a 20-year break.
I can't afford lessons but want to start playing with others to accelerate learning and for it to be more fun alongside keeping the music book and YT sessions going. Music should be played with others, right?
What's the best way of seeking people to jam with? For context, I've recently re-located so don't have much in terms of social networks/people I can just ask and I'm a bit nervous about rocking up at a jam night as don't think I'm there just yet in terms of ability or confidence.
Any advice/thoughts?