This is by far the best bar tape I've ever touched. Supacaz is nice, but nowhere near as long lasting.
I did a bike fit on a young Cyclocross rider who's had this tape on for 2 seasons (washing the bike every race etc.) and when I unwrapped it it was like new - solid, not moulded to the bars, so easy to wrap again, no dodgy sticky stuff underneath, just great.
Highly recommended - https://www.tredz.co.uk/.Zipp-Service-Course-Bar-Tape-CX_87007.htm?sku=294687&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=google_shopping&gclid=Cj0KCQjw3v6SBhCsARIsACyrRAmDsPTXZ8EZ70QwNtkNt32qBR6C9R-hFjA3Gt2EAOgXyc-eaXd0vtoaAlCYEALw_wcB
Anyone got any spare bartape, either new, good or decent condition which they don't need anymore?
Thinking Supacaz, Brooks or similar - Before I weigh in and spend £30-40 on some new tape.