• it's a marathon, not a sprint

    I do have some form for 24hr events so I'm not going into the event 'duration' blind.

    I'll be taking some of the stuff I normally eat for sure but I'm definitely trying other random foods (they're doing pancakes man!). Again, not like this kind of thing has stopped me before :) I'm also quite able to eat nothing but sugary food for 24hrs, but since this is a "fun" event I'll be mixing it up anyway because it's not performance I'm after, it's just completion.

    Thanks for the info. I guess I was after more MTB specific stuff I was looking for but there's probably not that much cross over with people doing road and MTB 24hrs.

    Not having a powermeter will probably mess with my head. I might wear a HR monitor for shits and giggles. Trying to decide if I'll use roadie kit or MTB shy shorts. I could just wear a skinsuit for the LOLs (and it'd keep mud out of my arse crack).

  • By "form" you think we are meant to be excited you were the world 24hr TT champion?

    Because we were, still one of the forum highlights when the banner was in world chump colours!

  • Cheque's in the post. That was pretty cool. I saw a screengrab of that recently. Must've been looking for some old bike pic.
