I've been buying that James Gourmet decaf and it's perfectly fine, but I feel like Colombian sugar cane decafs seem to be the default for a lot of roasters right now and they all taste quite similar to me. Had them from Hasbean and Dark Arts too and I definitely wouldn't be able to tell them apart in a blind test (not that they taste bad). Monmouth gets the piss taken out of it a lot on here but I do think they seem to change their decaf fairly frequently so if I want a change in decaf I'll get a bag there sometimes, although it's not as consistent and sometimes I wish I'd just gotten the Colombian beans from whoever.
The James Gourmet non-decaf has all been absolutely excellent I should say, I'm so pleased I read about them here and gave them a try. I've been giving coffees I'd normally avoid (because I don't generally expect to like them, e.g. Brazilian with tasting notes of dark chocolate) a go and have found them delicious.
I've been buying that James Gourmet decaf and it's perfectly fine, but I feel like Colombian sugar cane decafs seem to be the default for a lot of roasters right now and they all taste quite similar to me. Had them from Hasbean and Dark Arts too and I definitely wouldn't be able to tell them apart in a blind test (not that they taste bad). Monmouth gets the piss taken out of it a lot on here but I do think they seem to change their decaf fairly frequently so if I want a change in decaf I'll get a bag there sometimes, although it's not as consistent and sometimes I wish I'd just gotten the Colombian beans from whoever.
The James Gourmet non-decaf has all been absolutely excellent I should say, I'm so pleased I read about them here and gave them a try. I've been giving coffees I'd normally avoid (because I don't generally expect to like them, e.g. Brazilian with tasting notes of dark chocolate) a go and have found them delicious.