So agreements made before I was born don’t apply to me?
Rad. Is that laws too?I get what you're saying. It's not like you can argue that you are exempt from the bits of the high way code that were written before you were born.
But huge multi-lateral agreements between countries need to be based on a democratic mandate. And with so many of the people this (alleged) agreement covers being unable to influence it I hardly think it could be worth much. According to my link above 51% of the world was born after 1990. If you then add everyone who was under 18 at the time (born after 1st of Jan 1982) then it's 63% of the world population who had no way of influencing that agreement. IANAL so I can't argue this in legal terms but it's definitely not something you could go to war over I would think.
Btw, I feel this way about third world debt too if that is of any help.
Regarding the promise about there being no NATO expansion, this rhetoric really speaks to the mental time frame of a septuagenarian. Supposedly something was said in 1990 or 1991, although there is no written document to prove it. But my point is more about how over half of the world's population have been born after 1990, so how binding could such an agreement really have been by now?