I've not ridden any but they don't look great for town. It's a lot of length to manoeuver. I get the thin part but once it's much thinner than your hips and shoulders what's the point.
I think we are seeing a revolution at the moped end of the market with guys riding pedelec suspension bikes to courier a big bag of stuff. That I'm really pleased to see because it seems like it works for everyone. Reduced costs and taxes for the courier, quiet and no engine smoke.
I'm considering a trailer for my Electric Brompton to extend the quantity of tools/materials I can carry for work.
But this is the design principle that annoys me. Long and thin. Can't I have a normal wheelbase with panniers and loading behind my seat.
I should probably ride one of these alternatives before complaining but parking becomes and issue and there are issues around junctions if you have a massive front end.