And its not even just the people involved lying that has fucked me off. Its the various Tory MPs who have variously said:
(to be clear, i'm paraphrasing)
"Everybody broke the rules during lockdown...why the big fuss?"
"Breaking the law is not necesarily a resigning offence"
"The prime minister did not lie"
"The prime minister told the truth to the best of his ability"
"People were expected to let steam off now and again during lockdown"
And its not even just the people involved lying that has fucked me off. Its the various Tory MPs who have variously said:
(to be clear, i'm paraphrasing)
"Everybody broke the rules during lockdown...why the big fuss?"
"Breaking the law is not necesarily a resigning offence"
"The prime minister did not lie"
"The prime minister told the truth to the best of his ability"
"People were expected to let steam off now and again during lockdown"
Etc etc etc
Fuck them all.