It's a calculated move by Putin to erase Ukrainian nationality. The kids will grow up Russian, and he can carry on saying that Ukraine as a country has never existed. The idea is that there won't be future generations of Ukraine nationals. He wants to move Russians into new cities which he'll build to replace the ones he destroys. So the next generation of people on Ukrainian soil will be Russians who live in whatever name he gives to the new oblasts (provinces) of Russia which he wants to establish. Russia is presently divided into 85 oblasts, if you count the illegal ones he created in the bits of Ukraine he stole in 2014. I wonder if the name 'Ukraine' will be given to a new oblast? He might want to prove his point by inventing somewhere called Putingrad.
Intent may be there, but it will never work. What he has created though is the generation upon generation of Ukraine people who will never ever forget what he/Russia has done to them. The hatred of Russian people will also spread elsewhere, they will become persona non grata in many of places all over the world. Which unfortunately will create many more little Putins.
This I really struggle to comprehend from any of the points of view involved:
Another article on mass deportations
I know this was common under the Soviet system but just seems hard to understand in the modern more connected world how you think you can integrate people this way into a new culture and society. Guess it is one way they are trying to tackle their terrible demographic problems.