If that’s what hits them for you, go for it. You won’t get the same tension/pump on a JM press as a a more direct isolation movement but if you’re getting good range of motion (forearm to bicep) and finding it harder and harder as the set goes on you’re probably hitting them right.
On a different note, I’m mad excited that my training’s on a roll for the first time in a while. Knocked out 155x8 on squats this morning. Not quite a PR but the first time I’m reaching my pre-baby numbers whilst weighing 10 kilos less.
JM presses are quite fiddly too :-/
The vid that someone suggested on here argues that the bar should aim towards your throat on the way down. When doing that I feel like I randomly distribute the load across most of my upper body, but target nothing in particular. To get any noticeable strain on my triceps I find that I need start with the bar directly above my shoulders and then to aim to lower the bar down to my eyes.
Your thoughts?