This is an old thread now - but wondering if Carl still has any of those FH-RE150 seals available. I've rebuilt my hub (no seal present when I took it apart.... horrible mess in there) and was thinking that it was a bit odd that there was no seal separating the drive side bearing from the free hub pawl chamber - I thought that it was a bit unlike Campagnolo's usually nice well designed approach to things... then I checked on the parts list and lo, there was meant to be a seal! Carl - or anyone else - if you have a FH-RE150 seal, would be appreciated. Looks like its a push fit, so I won't have to remove the axle, just take the free hub off to fit. Any help appreciated, Rob.
This is an old thread now - but wondering if Carl still has any of those FH-RE150 seals available. I've rebuilt my hub (no seal present when I took it apart.... horrible mess in there) and was thinking that it was a bit odd that there was no seal separating the drive side bearing from the free hub pawl chamber - I thought that it was a bit unlike Campagnolo's usually nice well designed approach to things... then I checked on the parts list and lo, there was meant to be a seal! Carl - or anyone else - if you have a FH-RE150 seal, would be appreciated. Looks like its a push fit, so I won't have to remove the axle, just take the free hub off to fit. Any help appreciated, Rob.