Which exercise?
I can do the same... My knees hate me for trying to make them run so im trying to give rowing ago again (used to row as a kid).
I was aiming for 2k at 2.00/500m split or 8 minutes at a causal pace... From this website, for my age, should be piece of piss
I managed the first 1k at 1.54 split... then a 5 min break. Then 375m at a 1.45 split... then about 10 mins break to try for another 500m at an 1.59 split... FML
I dont even count as a beginner
Plates is plates, everything's relative - you could be working at a higher percieved effort than the big gorilla opposite deadlifting 300kg. That's what I tell myself anyway.
I'm going to simplify my "training everyday alternate sets stupid reverse pyramid epic gainzz mega fatigue" platform, now the weather in sunny (lol) Scotland is allegedly above zero degrees i'm cycling in a couple of days per week. Colleague who lifts stupid weights tells me to just do bench/squat/deadlift 2x per week, heavy sets 5x3 or 5x5, no fucking about - sounds fair. This advice comes as I discover there's a sport science lab downstairs from my office with a leg press / smith bench press / trap bar deadlift setup & a ton of plates that I can use before work... coincidence?
I'm a bit wary of making you guys feel inadequate but wanted to brag about how many plates I'm pushing these days:
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